Thursday, March 25, 2021

Disciples Justice Ministries Preparing a Nonviolence Curriculum Guide

Several years ago I somehow discovered Walter Wink, and was so impressed with his Jesus and Nonviolence: A Third Way that I gave copies to a couple of friends from the church where I was then a member. Wink broke synthesized in this book the learnings from the area of nonviolence, bringing his own unique way of expression. He did the same in his overall body of written work, while also breaking some new ground in understanding 'the powers.' So, I was glad to see highlighted in a recent newsletter that a group in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is preparing a study guide.

Members of the Disciples Justice Ministries Cohort Group are engaged in a Lenten Book Study of Walter Wink’s Jesus and NonViolence: A Third Way.

The book study grew out of a months long conversation within the DJM group about the insidious threats of online radicalization of white nationalism. Group members are gathering weekly to discuss chapters from the book that are put in conversation with contemporary articles about the threats of white nationalism and the dangers of online radicalization.

This is a pilot project, and once it is complete the Disciples Justice Ministry group will transform their experience into a curriculum guide that can be used in local congregations, small group settings, and youth group meetings.

The DJM group will complete their book study during Lent, take the Easter Season to develop the curriculum, and have a finished study guide ready for local congregations by Pentecost! We’ll share more news with you as this exciting project moves forward.

For more information, email 

Their timeline seems pretty ambitious to me. Completing their own study and discussion during Lent and getting a guide out by Pentecost is fast work for a group of collaborators. I also wonder how they will relate the topic of nonviolence with 'threats of online radicalization of white nationalism.' In any case, I hope that it will be more generally available for purchase than just within that denomination, because I'd like to take a look and give it a review. This is such an important topic, and I appreciate that Wink's legacy is continuing to have an impact.